LinksSeashore Romance Quote Gallery
They went back with laughter and railery over the quiet autumn feilds, faintly silvered by the moon that was rising over the hills. ~Chronicles of Avonlea
Much of the beauty of the island is due to the vivid colour countrasts - the rich red of the winding roads, the brilliant emerald of the uplands and meadows, the glowing sapphire of the encircling sea.* ~The Alpine Path: the Story of My Career
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My Luv is Like a Red, Red Rose Midi created by Barry Taylor, and used with permission
Paintings Copyright 1996-2000 by Janet L Hill. Please do not take for use on your site without my permission. I strive for original content here and have spent hours on my artwork. I deserve credit. Thanks.
Road to Avonlea is the property of the Sullivan Entertainment. These pages are for fan enjoyment only. No copyright infringiment intended.
Home * The Spirit of LMM * The Romance of the Seashore * A Silver Autumn * Fruitcake for Muriel Stacey * An Avonlea Musicale Programe
* For God and Country *An Intermission of Trivia *True True Love * An Intemission of Gossip* Family Favorites *Happy Christmas*Good Night*Prince Edward Island Photos*Links to Other Road to
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