L M Montgomery Sites
LMM on the
Birth of Anne of Green Gables
" All my
life it has been my aim to write a book- a "real live"
book. Of late years I have been thinking of it seriously but
somehow it seemed such a big task I hadn't the courage to begin
it... Two years ago in the spring of 1905 I was looking over this
notebook in search of some suitable idea for a short serial I
wanted write for a certain Sunday School paper and I found a
faded entry, written ten years before:-"Elderly couple apply
to orphan asylum for a boy. By mistake a girl is sent them."
I thought this would do.... Somehow or other she seemed very real
to me and took possession of me to an unusal extent. Her
personality appealed to me and I thought it rather a shame to
waste her on an ephemeral little serial. Then the thought came,
"Write a book about her."... The result of this was Anne
of Green Gables...
"The book
may not sell well. I wrote it for love, not money-but very often
such books are the most successful- just as everything in life
that is born of true love is better than mercenary ends."
~~LM Montgomery, The
Selected Journals of L M Montgomery Vol1 August 16, 1907
LMM Institute:
learn about LMM research, conferences and the Kindred
Spirits Mailing List
Spirits Mailing List: Instructions on how to join
a wonderful mailing list dedicated to discussing LMM
among other things. I've been on the list for two years,
and have always found it a joy. Kindreds are special
people indeed! :)
LMM in
Ontario: Page about Maud's life
and works after leaving PEI
The Poetry of
LM Montgomery:
Ever wonder about Maud's poetry?
This page gives you a sampling
Bright River Station: a fantastic resource for Anne, LMM, and Avonlea lrelated links. It's very extensive and well organized. Besides links, this site also features some fun Anne Quizes, printable bookmarks, riddles, clasic book descriptions, an Anne ooutline, and an introduction to the Green Gables house.
LM Montgomery
Homepage : Donald Johanson's page,
which includes book descriptions, biography,
illustrations, and an article on Anne of Windy Willows
The Anne of Green Gables Encyclopedia:
an alphabetical index of the people and places in Anne of Green Gables.
L M Montgomery
Original Book Covers: discusses some of LMM's
novels through changes in their cover art; pictures of
original covers
Lookout: A page about Emily of
New Moon
Emily Byrd
Star, First Wave Femanist :
a research paper about the Emily Trilogy
The Unofficial
AGG Homepage: Scripts, bloopers, links, photographs and more
Entertainment's AGG site
Sullivan's Anne 3 Site: Although Anne 3 is not quite what I consider a true adaptation, this site offers a fantastic discussion board
Emily of New
Moon : the TV Series: The series, filmed entirely on PEI, ran for 4 seasons, and is still aired on WAM. Site features a beautiful layout, music, photos, episode description, and a newsletter.
The Blue
Castle, Rainbow Valley and Emily of New
Moon Musicals by Hank Stinson
Emily: Information on the musical produced by the Charlottetown Confederation Cenrte for the Arts.
Anne of Green Gables the Musical: This buoyant musical is in its 37th season on PEI! Learn about it here.

"I'll never
forget the days of my youth. When the waves rippled
between my toes, taking the pink and silver grains of
sand back out to the depths of the sea. There was a peace
then; an indescribable feeling of imortality in the eb
and flow of the tide, and the seemingly endless streatch
of beach and sky. Now as I gaze out upon those same
sparkling waters, I realize that youth is never left
behind, but is carried always, gently, in the
Hetty King from her novel
"My Home is the Island"... Momento Mori
Offical Sites
Entertainment's official
General Fan Pages
The Magic Lantern
:One of my new favorites. I stumbled across this site the other day and was so impressed I contacted the webmaster; something I rarely do. Then I updated my links section to include it... also something I rarely do! My favorite section is the episode descriptions, which are informative, comprehensive and include intellegent analysis and opinions. The "Explore Avonlea" section is also nifty. It's a fun way to spend half an hour :)
Kindred Twins Lighthouse in the Garden
(currently down for restructuring)
:by the inimitable Kindred
Twins; Explore their lighthouse home, try Amber's challenging Avonlea
quizes, take a look at her lovely PEI travel photos, read their fan fiction and more.