Little House on the Prairie
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The Ingalls Family
Charles Ingalls
Charles, the head of the family. He is a hard working man who loves the land. He is a farmer, but also works at the mill and does some hauling of freight. He has a bit of a temper, that Caroline has to keep in check. He also plays the fiddle beautifully.
Caroline Ingalls
Caroline is a strong, capable woman, who loves her family very much. Where Charles tends to get upset more easily, Caroling tends to remain calm, and is very wise when dealing with disobedience. She is known for her cooking, and takes a job at the restaurant when Charles is hurt.
Laura Ingalls-Wilder
Laura is the second child of Charles and Caroline. She tends to be more of a tomboy and likes to go fishing and help her Pa. She got riled easy, when Nellie was around, and had to apologies more than once. When she laid eyes on Almonzo for the first time she was instantly hooked, and set out to prove herself an adult. She ends up teaching in Walnut Grove, until the birth of her baby, Rose.
Mary Ingalls-Kendall
Mary is the oldest child of Charles and Caroline. She is very pretty, and there was usually lots of boys buzzing around her. She did very well in school, and hoped to become a teacher. She had had scarlet fever as a child, which eventually led to her losing her sight. She then learned that she was called to teach the blind, and happily did so. She married Adam Kendall, who taught along side her.
Carrie Ingalls
Carrie is the third child of Charles and Caroline. She is quiet and tends to stay in the background. She loves to hear stories, then gets scared afterwards when Laura tells her a scary one. She is an angel when Ma is around, but can get into mischief when being watched by others... like Edwards.
Grace Ingalls
Grace is the youngest member of the Ingalls family, arriving right before Mary lost her sight. She is a cutie-pie, who is definitely a Mama's girl.
Albert Ingalls
Albert had run away from an orphanage, and was living in the streets in Winoka when the Ingalls came to town. He became friends with Laura, and became quite attached to the whole family. When the Ingalls headed home, they asked him to come along. He was later adopted and became a member of the family. He was very smart and did well in school, and hoped to be a doctor when he grew up.
James Cooper
James was adopted, along with his sister, by the Ingalls family. He looked up to Albert, and always wanted to be with him. He was a good kid, who was nice to everyone, and was eager to please.
Cassandra Cooper
Cassandra was adopted by the Ingalls family after her parents were killed in a horrible accident. She was a sensitive child, but also had a temper when Nancy was around.
The In-laws
Almonzo Wilder
Almonzo came to town with his sister Eliza Jane, and Laura instantly fell for him, though he was quite a bit older than her. At first he didn't think her more than a cute kid, but realized his feelings had grown when she took a teaching job in another town. He was a farmer, and also worked at the mill with Charles.
Adam Kendall
Adam worked at the blind school that Mary was sent to after she became blind. He helped her come to terms with her blindness, and to stop feeling sorry for herself. They fell in love and decided to open a blind school together in Winoka. Adam eventually regains his sight and becomes a lawyer.
The Oleson Family
Nels Oleson
Nels was a kind, soft spoken man, and was often over-cowed by Harriet. He did occasionally hold his own, and put Harriet in her place. He was a great one at making snide comments, only to come up with good cover-ups. He really liked the Ingall's family, and was quite envious of Charles.
Harriet Oleson
Harriet, along with Nels owned the town Mercantile. She had the business sense in the family, and made sure Nels remembered that. She wore the pants in the family, and usually got what she wanted. She felt herself better than others, as they were the richest in town.
Nellie Oleson-Dalton
Nellie is the oldest child of Nels and Harriet, and she is very spoiled. She was mean and conniving, and was usually at war with Laura. She would do anything to get what she wanted, and considered herself quite important as she wasn't a "country girl".
Willie Oleson
Willie is the only son of Nels and Harriet. Though he can be annoying at times, he is a good kid. He tended to be spineless as a child, and always did what Nellie told him to. But he turned out great, married well, and took over the restaurant, as he was always fond of food.
Nancy Oleson
Harriet was devastated when Percival and Nellie moved to New York, and so they decided to adopt a new girl... They ended up with Nancy, a duplicate to Nellie. Nancy was very nasty indeed, and could lie herself out of anything.
Percival Dalton
Percival was hired by the Oleson's to teach Nellie how to cook and run the restaurant, so she could catch a husband. She was horrid to him, until he said she was pretty. She then fell for him hook, line and sinker and professed her love to him so he wouldn't leave Walnut Grove. He would take no nonsense, and Nellie did a complete turn around. He also could get the better of Harriet, much to her despair.
The Edwards Family
Isaiah Edwards
Isaiah was a "mountain man", who liked his drink, and his "chaw", and I don't think he bathed much. He also took great pride in the fact that he could spit a fair distance. But all that aside, Isaiah had a heart of gold, and was always there to lend a hand. He had a special relationship with Laura.
Grace Edwards
Grace, who was the Widow Snider, fell for Isaiah right from the beginning, but didn't know how to catch him. She got some poor advice from Caroline, and things got hairy for a while, but they did finally get hitched and took in the Sanderson children when their mother died. She also ran the post office for a while.
Wanted: A picture of John Jr.
John Sanderson Jr.
John Jr. was a dreamer, who loved to read and write, and had no interest in farming or hunting. He won a scholarship to a school in Chicago and postponed his engagement to Mary to go to school. There he met someone new, and broke it off with Mary. He was later murdered, when he was going after a story
Carl Sanderson
Carl was an adventurous boy, who wanted to be like Isaiah. He liked to fish, and go hunting, all the things that Isaiah loved to do. He and Laura were best friends, and got into mischief together.
Wanted: A picture of Alicia
Alicia Sanderson
Alicia was the youngest of the Sanderson children, and the one who could melt Isaiah's heart. She was just the sweetest, cutest little thing. She got a puppy before her mother died, that she named "Mine", and was heartbroken when it later died.
The Garvey Family
Jonathan Garvey
Jonathan farmed the old Edward's place, and worked at the mill along side Charles. He was the 'outdoor' type, who new allot about animals. He was stubborn and a bit old fashioned. And had a fit when Alice took the job at the post office. When Alice died, he left Walnut Grove and started a freighting company.
Alice Garvey
Alice is the wife of Jonathan. She worked for a while in the post-office and also taught in the school after the Simms' moved away. While trying to save Adam and Mary's baby from a fire at the blind school, both her and the baby died.
Andy Garvey
Andy is the only son of Jonathan and Alice. He is a quiet boy, who is easily influenced by others. He didn't do too well at school, and really wanted to be working along side his Pa. He spent allot of time with Laura and Albert. He took it very hard when his mother died.
The Town
Doc Baker
Doc Baker is a great, compassionate doctor. He was a bachelor all of his days, but did have some romance with Harriet's niece. He broke off their engagement when he realized he was just too old for her, and it almost broke his heart. He did try farming for a while, after losing a patient, but he wasn't very good at it.
Lars Hanson
Lars owned the mill, and whenever he needed help, it was Charles he turned to first. He like to play pinocle with Doc Baker as they were very good friends. He was one of the founders of Walnut Grove. The people had wanted to name the town after him, but he said the town belonged to everybody, not just one person.
Reverend Alden
Reverend Alden is the town Minister, who also preaches in other churches in nearby towns. He is a happy, good natured man, who married at a late age. He was kind and understanding, but didn't like goats named Fred.
Eva Beadle-Simms
Eva is the town teacher for many years, until the town was deserted for a while (when the Ingall's went to Winoka). She married a local pig farmer named Adam, and eventually had a beautiful baby boy... right before Grace was born. She was very sweet, and a very good teacher. Laura took an instant liking to her, even wearing the same perfume, Lemon Verbena.
Eliza Jane Wilder
Eliza Jane came to Walnut Grove to take over Alice's job as teacher. She is Almonzo's sister, and was never married. She is very prim and proper, but sensitive also. She likes to be in control, and tends to boss Almonzo around. She left Walnut Grove so that Almonzo could keep the house and marry Laura.
Hester Sue Terhune
Hester Sue worked with Adam and Mary at the blind school until the one in Sleepy Eye was closed. Then she came back to Walnut Grove to help Caroline out in the restaurant. She was a good friend to Caroline, and a very good cook. She loved children, and barely tolerated Joe Kagan.
Wonderful Walnut Grove Couples
Charles and Caroline Ingalls
Almonzo and Laura Wilder
Adam and Mary Kendall
Isaiah and Grace Edwards
Jonathan and Alice Garvey
Nels and Harriet Oleson
Percival and Nellie Oleson
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March 5, 2001
I have started a Fan-Fiction page, with stories that I hope will be submitted by you, my guests. There are a few stories to read, but I would love to receive more! To read the stories, or submit a story of your own please follow the following link!
Do you have a second? Please vote in my poll.
Since October 8, 2000
Backgrounds by Julie Johnson
"The Ingalls Family"
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Julie's Favorite Shows
Program Guide
7 am / 10 am
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
8 am / 11 am
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
10 am / 1 pm
Dr. Quinn
5 pm / 8 pm
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Red - TBS - Channel 247
Blue - Hallmark - Channel 312
Yellow - PAX - Channel 255
These times and channels are from "Direct TV" all Pacific times. Please check your local listings to see what time they play in your area.
Check out my Little House Episode Guide!
My Little House T.V. Guide is updated regularly, so it is always up to date!
I would like to add 'Bloopers' to my episode guide. If you have noticed anything wrong, or funny with the show, let me know. Make sure you tell me which episode it's in... I will put the bloopers in red.
Saturday, October 6, 2001
I got my first Blooper submitted today! And I was excited to see it was from Lindsay Greenbush! Is that cool or what! I couldn't wait to share it with everyone!
Here is a great blooper for you.
it was never intended that carrie would fall down the hill but everyone loved it so, it stayed!
My sister is the one who actually fell Sidney Robin.
Rachel Lindsay Greenbush
Do you have any favorite quotes? Tell me which episode they're in, and I'll add them to my episode guide... Quotes will be in yellow.
Sign my guest book please!
Have any questions, comments or corrections?
Here are some links to other great Little House sites.
(This is fun! I am most like Hester Sue, and the hubby is most like Mr. Edwards)
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