To read Julie's page on the horrid attack on the World Trade Center, flollow the link to:
Christy Huddleston
Christy comes to Cutter Gap after hearing Alice speak, at her church, of the need for a teacher. She is quite unprepared for the poverty, the feuding, the stubbornness, the filth and the pigs. But she is quite determined that she can help to make a difference in their lives, by working with the children. Christy has a hard time understanding why they stick to their old ways when they could prosper more by becoming more modernized. She's upset when the women refuse to make quilts to sell in the city, and then their children go without shoes. She can be stubborn at times, and sometimes acts on impulse with out thinking things through. But she always means well, with others interests at heart. She has feelings for both David and Neil.
David Grantland
David is a very handsome young minister. He speaks well in the pulpit, but can be stubborn at times. He is a hard worker which eventually gains him respect, but he had a rocky beginning. He speaks his mind, and when he preached against the moonshiners, he made a few enemies. He has loved Christy from the beginning, and is consumed by jealousy because of the relationship between Christy & Neil.
Alice Henderson
Alice, along with Dr. Ferrand started the mission in Cutter Gap, but she originally came to Cutter Gap for a different reason. Her daughter married Neil and Alice followed her to Cutter Gap. She then fell in love with the people and the mission became her life's work. She can be harsh at times, when trying to get a point across, but she is a wise and kind soul. She is also very good with the kids.
Neil MacNeill
Neil was born and raised in Cutter Gap. When he was 16 some doctors came to Cutter Gap to hunt, and he helped to carry his gear. They took a liking to him and helped him to get an education. Though he had offers for some well paying jobs, he chose to return to Cutter Gap to help the people. He was once married to Alice's daughter Margaret, but she couldn't take living in Cutter Gap, and having Neil gone so much with his patients. She left one night, and they believed she had drowned in the river. She returned later to make peace with her past, as she was dying of Tuberculoses.
Fairlight Spencer
Fairlight is a highland Princess according to Christy. Unlike most of the families in the cove, she is a good housekeeper, and the one most willing to accept change. She and Christy became fast friends, and Fairlight gives her lots of good advise when it comes to dealing with the people.
The School Children
Ruby Mae
"I wanna smell nice and have lots of pretty clothes, like Teacher."
Zady Spencer
"Teacher, I worked these figures... Could you get me a harder book?"
John Spencer
Lulu Spencer
Rob Allen
"Sometimes I get lonesome. I wanna tell my thoughts, my good thoughts on the inside, to somebody without being laughed at. It would pleasure me to know the right way to put things down on paper for other folks too."
Little Burl Allen
"Teacher, I've come to see ya and to swap howdies."
Creed Allen
Becky O'Teale
Mountie O'Teale
"B... Buttons."
Sam Houston
"Generaly, go by Sam Houston M'amm."
Isaac McHone
"I wanna go far away from here, across the mountains to the flatlands.
Get me a fine job, with plenty to eat"
Wanted - A picture of Lundy Tailor
Lundy Tailor
"I pondered your question about growing up. I disgust being a slick faced boy, I wanna
be a man now."
Couples From Cutter Gap
David and Christy
Neil and Christy
Buy the books and videos!
March 5, 2001
I have started a Fan-Fiction page, with stories that I hope will be submitted by you, my guests. There are a few stories to read, but I would love to receive more! To read the stories, or submit a story of your own please follow the following link!
Do you have a second? Please vote in my poll.
Previous Poll Results:
Who should Christy choose?
Neil: 121 - 51%
David: 112 - 47%
Since October 8, 2000
Julie's Favorite Shows
Program Guide
7 am / 10 am
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
8 am / 11 am
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
10 am / 1 pm
Dr. Quinn
5 pm / 8 pm
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Red - TBS - Channel 247
Blue - Hallmark - Channel 312
Yellow - PAX - Channel 255
These times and channels are from "Direct TV" all Pacific times. Please check your local listings to see what time they play in your area.
Check out my Episode Guide.
Hallmark Channel is not playing Christy at the moment, but I will keep my VCR Guide here for a while, in hopes that they bring it back.
I would like to add 'Bloopers' to my episode guide. If you have noticed anything wrong, or funny with the show, let me know. Make sure you tell me which episode it's in... I will put the bloopers in red.
Do you have any favorite quotes? Tell me which episode they're in, and I'll add them to my episode guide... Quotes will be in yellow.
Christy - Return to Cutter Gap
Christy The Movie
Played on PAX on November 19, 2000.
Christy - The Mini Series
coming to Pax May 13 & 14, 2001
Sign my guest book please!
Have any questions, comments or corrections?
Here are some links to other great Christy sites.
Web Rings
As you have probably already guessed, I prefer David over Neil. I won't go into details, as I have no wish to offend any Neil fans, one of which is my sister-in-law! So I created this Web Ring on 11/25/2000 for those of us who are loyal to the good preacher! I would love to add your site to my ring!
This Christy - Fans of David Web Ring
This Web-Ring is mannaged by