Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
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Michaela Quinn, M.D.
Michaela was the 5th daughter of a prominent Boston doctor. Dr Josef Quinn pampered her, and she followed in his footprints. When he died and their patients left, she left Boston to become a Pioneer Doctor. It took a lot to convince the townspeople to accept her, but she really didn't give them a choice. She is a great one for speeches, and ALWAYS speaks her mind. If she is left out of anything, her feelings are very hurt. She is a great mother, doctor and friend.
Byron Sully
When his wife and baby died, Sully became a recluse and was "brought back" by the Indians. They became his "cause", along with preserving the wilderness and wild animals. He is a tracker, was an Indian Agent for a time, and even spent some time building a home for Preston. He had a hard time letting himself love Michaela, and making a commitment, but when he does, he is extremely happy.
Matthew Cooper
Matthew came to stay with Michaela when his mother died of a rattlesnake bite. He fell in love with Ingrid, and planned to marry her, live in the old homestead that Sully gave him, and raise the cattle that Olive gave him in her will. Everything changed when Ingrid died. Matthew was lost, and had to find himself again. In doing that he became the town sheriff, but he still had a lot to learn. It was hard for him when he sometimes found himself on the opposite side of the law than Sully.
Colleen Cooper
Colleen is the adopted daughter of Sully and Michaela. She is very smart, but has a hard time making friends. After some trouble at school, with some of the girls, she becomes best friends with Becky. Colleen wants to become a doctor, and helps out in the clinic all the time. I don't know what Michaela would do without her.
Brian Cooper
Brian is the adopted son of Sully and Michaela. He adores Sully, who is his hero, and wants to be like him and live with the Cheyenne. He loves to write, and helps Dorothy with the paper. He has a great relationship with Loren, has Elizabeth Quinn wrapped around his little finger, and is a friend to all. He even learned to play the piano, just to spend time with a girl, and became quite good at it.
Katherine Sully
Katie is the child of Sully and Michaela. She is a sweet, happy child, who surprisingly doesn't have much hair... "Considering the parents."
Cloud Dancing
Cloud Dancing is the Medicine Man for the local band of Cheyenne Indians, under Chief Black Kettle. The Cheyenne go through allot, as they are massacred by the soldiers. After the Sand Creek massacre and the Washita, he is the only survivor from his tribe. But it is his decision to keep their song alive, as he stays on at the reservation.
Loren Bray
Loren owns the local General Store, and is sorta the "Father" of the town. His daughter was Abigail, Sully's first wife. He didn't want Abigail to marry Sully, and had disowned her. When she died giving birth to her first baby, he became a very bitter man. It takes a lot for him to get over the past. He has a special place in his heart for Brian.
Dorothy Jennings
Dorothy is the sister of Loren's late wife. She was abused by her husband and left him. When he ended up dead, from blood poisoning, she is arrested and tried for murder. Michaela proves her innocence and Dorothy is set free. With Loren's help, she starts a local newspaper, "The Gazette". She even writes a book about the town that gets her into hot water. While writing a book about the Indians, she falls in love with Cloud Dancing.
Jake Slicker
Jake is the town barber, who was very upset when Michaela came to town. He's lanced a few cuts, and pulled a few teeth, and he thinks that makes him a doctor. He does come around though. He becomes the town's mayor, and with some help, is a good one. He eventually falls in love with and marries the town teacher, Theresa.
Hank Lawson
Hank owns the local Saloon, and goes into business with Jake to build a hotel before Preston. But the Gold Nugget is just a little bit bigger and not much better. He is a nasty, uncouth man with a bad temper, but he always comes through in the end. I think he secretly loves Michaela, but would never admit it.
Reverend Timothy Johnson
The town pastor. Reverend Johnson is a kind man, but he is too easily influenced by others. He has a tendency to do what the town says, and not what is right. But he always comes around, letting Robert E and Grace attend the church and accepting the Indians. He becomes blind, and must learn to live independently, instead of leaning on others.
Robert E
Robert E is the town blacksmith, and he can fix just about anything. He is an ex-slave, who has lost a wife and children, but refuses to speak of it. He was one of the first to let Dr. Mike check him out, and has been a loyal friend ever since. He and Grace help out Sully and Michaela whenever they can. Things aren't always easy for Robert E and Grace, as they fight to belong to the church and own their own home.
Grace was the cook for Olive, Loren's sister, but was convinced to start her own cafe. She is a very good cook, and prides herself on that fact. She falls in love with Robert E and marries him and is very happy... Except for the fact that she isn't getting pregnant. She watches Myra's pregnancy from afar with growing jealousy, even attempting to adopt an orphaned Indian baby. Then Anthony comes into her life.
She has the child she wanted, but he is very ill. She becomes devastated when he dies.
Preston A Lodge III
Preston comes to Colorado Springs to start a bank, and makes enemies from the beginning. He takes an instant dislike to Sully, and is often cutting and rude. He builds a chateau on the Hot Springs, and is on his way. Until he makes some bad investments and loses everything.
Horace Bing
Horace is the town's telegraph operator, a job that he takes very seriously. He's not the brightest of fellows, and is often the brunt of many jokes. But he is very sweet and lovable. He fell in love and married one of Hank's girls, but Myra soon discovered that it was the freedom, not Horace she loved. She took their daughter, Samantha, and left Colorado Springs for good. Horace has never been the same.
Andrew Cook
Andrew was brought to Colorado Springs by Elizabeth Quinn to deliver Michaela's baby and help out with the clinic. He ends up staying in Colorado Springs, becoming the resident doctor at Preston's Chateau. He falls in love with Colleen, and they marry. He leaves Colorado Springs to be with Colleen as she goes through Medical School.
Courageous couples from Colorado Springs
Sully and Michaela
Andrew and Colleen
Matthew and Ingrid
Robert E and Grace
Cloud Dancing and Dorothy
Jake and Theresa
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March 5, 2001
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Since October 8, 2000
Backgrounds by Julie Johnson
"Friends From Colorado Springs"
"Magical Memories From Sully and Michaela"
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Julie's Favorite Shows
Program Guide
7 am / 10 am
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
8 am / 11 am
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
10 am / 1 pm
Dr. Quinn
5 pm / 8 pm
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Red - TBS - Channel 247
Blue - Hallmark - Channel 312
Yellow - PAX - Channel 255
These times and channels are from "Direct TV" all Pacific times. Please check your local listings to see what time they play in your area.
Check out my Dr. Quinn Episode Guide!
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I would like to add 'Bloopers' to my episode guide. If you have noticed anything wrong, or funny with the show, let me know. Make sure you tell me which episode it's in... I will put the bloopers in red.
Do you have any favorite quotes? Tell me which episode they're in, and I'll add them to my episode guide... Quotes will be in yellow.
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