November 1
The Town of Norval, Ontario has a special
annual event called Montgomery Country Christmas. Please
take a look at
for more information. From this page, choose 'Montgomery Country
Christmas' in the menu bar at the left.
The introduction starts:
"Montgomery Country Christmas is an annual celebration in the
Village of Norval. Many of the festivities are designed to honour
famous Canadian Author, Lucy Maud Montgomery, who lived and wrote
in Norval from 1926 to 1935."
October 20
Remembering Lucy Maud Montgomery
Alexandra Heilbron
Dundurn Press
ISBN 1-55002-362-4
A long awaited book has finally been published! Alexandra Heilbron
interviewed more than 30 people who remember L.M. Montgomery as a
relative, neigbour, minister's wife and author. This book is a useful
resource to look at LMM from diverse perspectives.
It would have been nice if the articles had their original publication
dates, and the dates of interview, because some were previously published
in the Avonlea Traditions Chronicle magazine for which Alexandra
worked. It gives me an awkard feeling to read an interview with someone
who has passed away without any comment in the book.
October 17
This autumn, a new edition of Anne of Green Gables, with
a foreword by Newberry author Kathereine Paterson, has been published.
Anne of Green Gables
By Lucy Maud Montgomery
Foreword by Katherine Paterson
Aladdin, September 2001 (480 pages, $3.99 US, $5.50 CDN)
Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0-689-84622-3
It is sad for me to see that they deleted a line of dedication
by Montgomery to her parents, and also a quote from Browning which
should appear before the first chapter. However, the cover photograph
is quite charming and it is nice to read the foreward by Paterson.
August 30
This year's Lucy Maud Montgomery Day in Leaskdale, Ontario,
Canada will be held on Saturday the 20th
of October, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
This year's special activity is the unveiling of the Leaskdale
Presbyterian Manse scale model by Kate Macdonald Butler,
grand-daughter of L.M. Montgomery. The historically accurate circa
1911-1926 model, created by Edward Powell, is complete with
outbuildings, landscaped grounds & gardens. Mr Powell is famous
for his handmade dolls, including LMM's characters.
Events Include: Morning refreshments
(9:30 am); Lunch (12:30 pm); Book talk & signing by Elizabeth
MacLeod, author of Lucy Maud Montgomery: A Writer's Life,
and by Alexandra Heilbron, author of Remembering
L.M.Montgomery; sale table of
L.M.Montgomery's books and related items; silent auction fundraiser-Manse
Restoration; Local Kindred Spirits Contest Winners.
Cost: $15.00 per person, including
Tickets available at the door or by telephone reservation.
For more information, telephone:
Nina Elliot 905-852-7493
Pat Millner 905-852-2633
April 17  |
A new biography of Montgomery for young readers has been published
by Kids Can Press. Lucy Maud Montgomery: A Writer's Life
contains many photographs of Maud, friends, relatives, cats, and
beloved things such as her Gog & Magog china dogs. I find it
easy to read and joyful to look at.
MacLeod, Elizabeth
Lucy Maud Montgomery: A Writers' Life
Kids Can Press (32 pp.)
ISBN: 1-55074-487-9 (hardcover)
ISBN: 1-55074-489-5 (paperback)
April 1 |
Professor Sonja Arntzen's article "Anne of Osaka" was
published in the April 2001 issue of Quill
& Quire. Professor Arntzen teaches classical Japanese literature
at the University of Toronto. She has spent "more than seven
years in Japan over 35-year period.
Professor Arntzen gives readers "three points of resonance
between Anne of Green Gables and Japanese culture."
I am thankful for her mentioning my web site in her article!
March 5 |
Call for papers!
L.M. Montgomery & Life Writing: An International Conference
June 20-23, 2002. University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Learn
more about the conference at the L.M. Montgomery Institute site: |