Frequently Asked Questions

How do I subscribe to The Avonlea Spectacle?
We have complete subscription information on this site, just follow this link.

Do you accept submissions?
Yes, we do accept submissions from subscribers. For complete submission information, please see our submissions page. We publish about 80% of unsolicited submissions.

How much do you pay for submissions?
We don't pay cash, because we put all of our funds into the production of the magazine, and want to keep our subscription rates just low enough to cover that production. We also publish a gift catalogue, "Lady Cordelia's Frivolities", which will be making its debut this winter, and we will start giving gift certificates to that as payment for submissions.

What is The Best of The Avonlea Spectacle?
The Best of The Avonlea Spectacle is a compilation of issues #1-#12, with a few articles from issue #13. We no longer sell issues #1-#12 individually, because the first few were very small, and it was more cost-effective to put them all together in a compilation.

Do you focus more on the tv shows or more on L.M. Montgomery?
We focus on both. Some issues will have more about the television programs, some will have more about LMM. It depends on what is happening at the time, news-wise.

I'm not from the US or Canada...can I still subscribe?
Of course! Anyone in the world can subscribe. Foreign payment is usually done via international postal money order or US cash. Please write to us if you have questions regarding payment.

Why is there such a big difference in the US and Canadian prices?
The difference in prices is because, unlike a lot of other companies, we accept payment in Canadian funds. The quoted price of $13.00 is in Canadian funds, and that's why it seems so much higher than the US price of $7.00 in US funds. The Canadian dollar is currently worth about ~63 cents US, so that is why the Canadian price is higher. The Canadian price will fluctuate based on the currency exchange rates.

Is The Avonlea Spectacle an e-mail list?
No. It is a printed magazine that goes through regular mail. It is published five times a year.

What networks will carry Happy Christmas, Miss King?
This has been one of our most frequently asked questions lately, so we have added a bit about it to this page. In our last update from Sullivan Entertainment in September 1998, they told us that, so far, CBC is the only network that will be carrying the show, as well as Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story. Whether it will be aired in the US and other countries remains to be seen. As for how you may see it if you do not get CBC, the best thing to do is to wait for it to come out on video. If the programming plans change, we will have the news in the magazine. The best way to keep up to date on everything about Happy Christmas, Miss King is to subscribe to The Avonlea Spectacle. For a limited time, the magazine is just $7.00 for three issues! Subscription information is on this page. Information about the movies will not regularly be published on this website. The purpose of this website is to advertise the magazine.

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All contents Copyright © 1998 The Avonlea Spectacle.
Last updated 30 November 1998.