How hard can it be?! A Repair to Remember |
Now in its third season, A Repair to Remember is a fix-it show for people who want to learn how to do more of their own home repairs. Viewers also learn to spout contractor lingo like "I'm eyeballing this board and sure enough it's cupped." Host Mag Ruffman, licensed general contractor and dauntless fix-it babe, leads viewers through a labyrinth of malfunctioning doors, plumbing nightmares, damaged walls, and electrical predicaments. Mag clearly explains her repair techniques in an informal stream of ad libs, especially when things go wrong, which they invariably do. A Repair to Remember brings a quirky and honest approach to home repair. Realistic situations are critical to the show, so repairs are shot in real houses with real problems, and mistakes made by previous home-owners are treated with as much irreverence as Mag's own difficulties. A Repair to Remember is honest, real-time home repair, with the mistakes left in so you don't get discouraged when YOU slip backwards on the upper slopes of the learning curve. Show Guide: A Repair to Remember is no longer in production but some of the classic episodes can be seen on Ontario's TVO. Anything I Can Do Mag takes things a step further with her new show airing on WTN. Now that you've learned basic fix-it skills watching A Repair to Remember, the next challenge is to use the same tools to create artful but useful projects for your homes. Anything I Can Do answers that challenge. Nifty Tips on home repair Links: Other temples of fix-it knowledge WTN: Welcome to WTN's new web site Contact: Get In Touch Accuracy and precision go a long way, but they sure do slow you down. - Mag Ruffman
Last updated 01/04/01
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