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This was the role for which Michael won his Gemini Award. 

Produced for Canadian television.  

First shown on Canadian television in 1991, Conspiracy of Silence is based on a true-life murder case. In 1971, a Cree woman, Helen Betty Osborne is murdered in the small community of The Pas, Manitoba, Canada. Everyone in town knows the identities of the four young men responsible, but they keep their secret for years. The white townsfolk choose to close ranks around the four killers and protect them with a cloak of silence.  Only after 16 years have passed and the case is reopened by a young constable are the witnesses to the murder emboldened enough to speak out.

A blistering indictment of racism and legal chicanery, Conspiracy of Silence was originally presented in two parts. In the US, Part one was telecast over the CBS network on July 26, 1992; Part two followed on July 28.    This movie often airs on Lifetime Television in the US and on Trio in Canada.

If you wish to learn more about this story, you can order the book, 'Conspiracy of Silence' by Lisa Priest from

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If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please email me, Karen

This is an unofficial fan page purely for fan enjoyment purposes and no copyright infringement is intended.

Updated July 15th 1999