
To read Julie's page on the horrid attack on the World Trade Center, flollow the link to:
 "Attack On America"

Blue Divider

The kids - Avonlea

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Sara Sara

Sara Stanley

Sara is the only daughter of Blair and Ruth Stanley. Ruth was the sister of Hetty, Alec, Roger and Olivia. She left the island to marry Blair, but died of tuberculoses when Sara was three. Blair died also during a freak accident in his warehouse, leaving Sara the bulk of his large estate.  
Sara was a rather 'curious' child and was forever finding herself in one scrape or another! She had a strong sense of right and wrong, and was loyal to the end.
Sara lived with her Aunt Hetty until going to Paris to further her education.

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 Felicity Felicity

Felicity King-Pike

Felicty is the oldest child of Alec and Janet King. She was born and raised on the King farm, in the small village of Avonlea. When she was younger she was vain and thought her family was better than anyone else (except maybe Felix). As she grew older, she matured though.
After she graduated from school, she made plans to go to teacher's college, but went to medical school instead. After one year of that she quit school, and eventually started a foundling home.
After many setbacks (romantically), she marries Gus Pike and will hopefully live happily ever after!

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Felix Felix

Felix King

Felix is the second child of Alec and Janet King. His goal in life is to make money, and he comes up with numerous schemes to achieve that goal. Although his father would like to leave the farm to him, Felix has no interest in farming, and would one day, possibly like to have a Tea Room.
He works at the White Sands Hotel, which teaches him responsibility. When he's not busy with work or a get-rich-quick scheme, he likes to spend time with Izzy Pettibone. She is not only his girlfriend, but his best friend.
After completing school, he joined the Navy.

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Hetty Hetty

Hetty King

Hetty is the eldest King, and doesn't let anyone forget that fact either. She was a teacher for 30 years (Although I think she must have taken a leave of absence when her father took ill. How else could we explain the fact that both Muriel Stacey and Anne Shirley taught in the same school?). She gave up teaching when Olivia had Monty. She then became Monty's baby-sitter and eventually began writing novels. She did take up teaching again when Clive Pettibone became superintendent of schools.
She has a strong sense of family and feels that they should do as she says, but will admit when she's wrong. Although she has had many suitors, she remains a spinster to this day. Now that Sara is gone, she is helping to raise Davey and Dora who, with Rachel, are living at Rose Cottage.

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Alec Janet
Alec and Janet

Alec & Janet King

Alec and Janet are wonderful parents to their four children. They are well respected by their neighbors and are high standing in their community. Alec serves on the school board and even considered going into politics. They have a well run farm and are always willing to lend a neighbor a helping hand.

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Cecily Cecily

Cecily King

Cecily is the third child of Alec and Janet King. She was a quiet and thoughtful girl who wanted to please people. She loves the farm and Digger, the King's faithful dog.
She contracted tuberculoses, and spent some time in a sanitarium, but recovered and was able to return home. Her stay in the sanitarium changed her and she became more outgoing, even managing to get into trouble sometimes. I guess she decided to live life to it's fullest, and to follow in Felix's footsteps.

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The cast Daniel

Daniel King

Daniel is the last child of Alec and Janet King. As he is still young, we haven't seen much of his personality. His life was once saved by a farm hand and he got his picture in the newspaper, much to the delight of Janet, who bought up almost every copy.

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Jasper Olivia
Jasper and Olivia

Jasper & Olivia Dale

Jasper, known as the Awkward Man, couldn't believe his luck when Olivia King fell in love with him! They are such an adorable couple, the shy and often clumsy man, and the sweet, giggly and somewhat flighty woman. Olivia is a reporter for the
'Avonlea Chronicle'. Jasper is an inventor and together they owned the cannery until it burned to the ground. They have a son named Monty and later adopted a little girl named Alicia.
(That's a wonderful name, if we ever have a girl that's what we plan to name her!)

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Monty Monty

Montgomery Dale

Monty is Jasper and Olivia's son. He is such a cutie pie, but we don't get to see much of him. What a shame.

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Gus Gus

Gus Pike

Gus showed up in filthy clothes and with a desire to be a gentleman. Hetty was the first to believe in him and began to teach him how to dress and eat, and led him to school. Gus worked hard to make enough money to one day marry Felicity, but later decided that he needed to find his own way first.
What he found was a mother he thought dead and a father he never knew about. Promising to come back to her, Gus leaves to Jamaica to find Captain Crane (Who turned out to be his father) to get some answers. His ship went down, and he was believed dead. He had lost his eyesight and didn't want to go back to Avonlea. Hetty and Felicity came in search of him and they convinced him to come home. Gus and Felicity are finally married!

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Andrew King

Andrew is the only son of Roger King. He stays with his relatives while his father, who is a geologist, is in Brazil. He is very smart and does well at school, and would rather read than do his chores (can't say that I blame him there!). He is also a bit smug about how smart he is.
He likes to play hockey, and is very good at it.

Blue Divider

Awesome Avonlea Couples and Kisses!

Alec and Janet

Alec & Janet King

Jasper and Olivia

Jasper and Olivia kissing

Jasper & Olivia Dale

Gus and Felicity

Gus and Felicity kissing at their wedding

Gus & Felicity Pike

Felix and Izzy

Felix and Izzy kissing

Felix King & Izzy Pettibone

Malcolm and Abigail

Malcolm & Abigail MacEwan

Marilla and Duncan McTavish

Duncan McTavish & Marilla Cuthbert

Clive and Muriel

Clive & Muriel Pettibone

Simon and Hetty

Simon Tremayne & Hetty King

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Visit The Oleson's Mercantile

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March 5, 2001
I have started a Fan-Fiction page, with stories that I hope will be submitted by you, my guests. There are a few stories to read, but I would love to receive more! To read the stories, or submit a story of your own please follow the following link!

Julie's Fan-Fiction From You

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Do you have a second? Please vote in my poll.  

Since October 8, 2000

Blue Divider

Backgrounds by Julie Johnson

Background - A town called Avonlea
"A town called Avonlea"

Background - Awesome Avonlea Couples
"Awesome Avonlea Couples"

Background - Friends from Avonlea
"Friends from Avonlea"

Background - Sara Stanley - The Story Girl
"Sara Stanley - The Story Girl"

Background - Magical memories from Gus and Felicity
"Magical Memories from Gus & Felicity"

Background - Magical memories from Felix and Izzy
"Magical Memories from Felix & Izzy"


Feel free to use one of the backgrounds!
Just right-click and save as wallpaper.

Blue Divider

Julie's Favorite Shows

Program Guide

7 am / 10 am
Little House

Little House

Little House

Little House

Little House

8 am / 11 am
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
Little House
10 am / 1 pm
Dr. Quinn
5 pm / 8 pm
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn
Dr. Quinn

Red - TBS - Channel 247
Blue - Hallmark - Channel 312
Yellow - PAX - Channel 255

These times and channels are from "Direct TV" all Pacific times. Please check your local listings to see what time they play in your area.

Blue Divider

Check out my Avonlea Episode Guide!

Seasons 1 & 2
Seasons 3 & 4
Seasons 5 & 6
Season 7 & Specials
"VCR Alert" - Avonlea TV Guide

Hallmark Channel is not playing Avonlea at the moment, but I am hopeful that they will see the light and bring it back. So I will leave my TV Guide here for the present.

I would like to add 'Bloopers' to my episode guide. If you have noticed anything wrong, or funny with the show, let me know. Make sure you tell me which episode it's in...I will put the bloopers in red.

Do you have any favorite quotes? Tell me which episode they're in, and I'll add them to my episode guide...Quotes will be in yellow.                                           

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Sign my guest book please!

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Precious Moments - Air Mail
E-mail me!

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If you want to add a link to my page from yours, feel free to this banner.
If you have a banner you would like to see on my page, let me know!

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Here are some links to other great Avonlea sites.

Purple Violet's Avonlea Page

Ain't that the pistol! The Unofficial Jasper Dale Home page

Remembering Avonlea

The Definitive Avonlea

Avonlea - A Place Where Dreams Come True

Blue Divider
Web Rings

This Avonlea Fans web-ring site
is owned by Julie.

The web-ring is owned and maintained by StoryGirl14.

This Avonlea Webring site is
owned by Julie.

The web-ring is owned and maintained

Alec and the kids