Amber's Avonlea Album

Welcome to Amber's Avonlea Album! There are now two Avonlea albums open, and a third one will be appearing in the new year! The Gemini Awards Album, comprising my photos from the Gemini Awards, is also open. Enjoy your visit!

Album I | Album II | The Gemini Awards | Guestbook, etc.

Last updated 30 November 1998.

All contents Copyright © 1994-1998 Amber Sears and Yvonne Sears.
No part of these albums may be reproduced for any reason. Do not "right click" and take any of these photos for your own webpage. All rights reserved.

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Anne of Green Gables, Avonlea, and other images of Anne are trademarks and Canadian official marks of the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc., which is owned by the heirs of L.M. Montgomery and the Province of Prince Edward Island and located in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, and are used under licence by The Avonlea Spectacle and Amber Sears.


About | The Avonlea Spectacle | Amber's Avonlea Album | The Avonlea Maven
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The Denizens of Avonlea | E-mail | Webrings and Guestbook | Odds and Ends
Moonrise Hollow Inc.

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