Avonlea/Road to Avonlea - series overview "Road to Avonlea" is a period drama television series based on the works of Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery, particularly her "Anne of Green Gables" series. Set on Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) between 1903 to 1912 (and a Christmas special taking place December 1914), the series follows the adventures and friendships of the residents in the quaint town of Avonlea. Produced by Sullivan Entertainment, "Road to Avonlea" originally aired in 1990 and ran for seven seasons, a total of 91 - 1 hour episodes. The show included an extensive cast with several cameo appearances by famous actors/actresses, and claimed 15 Geminis, 3 Emmys and 4 CableAce awards along the way. from The Definitive Road to Avonlea Site created
February 3, 2002 |