Felicity and Gus

During the second season of Avonlea, we were introduced to Gus Pike, a poor but kindhearted sailor who only wanted an education. Hetty King, the school teacher at the time, helped him along the way...But he wasn't the only one. Felicity King was always there as well. Over the years, we watched Felicity and Gus's fondness of each other blossom into love. Even through other potential suitors of Felicity (the main ones being Arthur Pettibone and Stuart McRae)it became evident that thes two were meant to be together. I don't know about any of you, but over the years, I found myself becoming obsessed with their romance. I cried when Gus left to go back to see, and even more so when Felicity received word that Gus was "dead". I really thought it was over, that they were never going to be able to be together. Even so, I could never except Stuart McRae. I just kept thinking, "But he's so OLD! I'd rather her be with Arthur!"...But then Felcity found out Gus was actually alive, though blind now. Like Felicity, the fact that he was blind didn't even bother me. I was just glad he was back. What better way to end the series than to have them get married! Ironically enough, that's exactly how I pictured the series ending! It's too bad we couldn't see them have childern, but I bet all you Felcity and Gus fans like me can imagine it up!...I really don't have much more to say about this. I'm just glad everything worked out for them...Um, I guess that's it! Thanks for coming!

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