Anne of Green Gables

To read Julie's page on the horrid attack on the World Trade Center, flollow the link to:
 "Attack On America"

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Gilbert and Anne

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Anne Anne

Anne Shirley-Blythe

Anne was orphaned when she was 3 months old, and was in and out of orphanages and different homes until the age of 13 when she was adopted by Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. Up until then she had never lived in a happy home, and had never had a 'bosom' friend. The only friend she had was Katie, and she was only a 'window friend'. Anne has quite the imagination, which she prides herself on. That imagination sometimes gets the better of her. She does have one lifelong sorrow, and that is her red hair. Just DON'T call her Carrots... You'll live to regret it!
Anne graduated from Queens College with honors, and after teaching in the Avonlea Public School for two years, went on to teach at Kingsport Ladies College for a year. She met Morgan Harris there, and thought herself in love for a few glorious seconds. Instead of marrying Morgan, she returns to Avonlea only to find that Gilbert is on his deathbed. She then realizes that she loves him. With her by his side, he becomes well again and they become engaged.
After teaching in Halifax for 5 years while Gilbert finished medical school, Anne and Gilbert head to New York. While Gilbert works at a local hospital, Anne becomes a junior editor for a publishing company. There she meets Jack Garrison Jr., a popular writer, who wants to collaborate on a story Anne has written. But when the story is submitted, Jack is named as the only author. Anne returns to Avonlea to be married. Gilbert goes of to war, and when his letters come back, she goes in search of him.

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Gilbert Gilbert

Gilbert Blythe

Gilbert was quite impressed with Diana's new friend. But when he was trying to get her attention, he made the mistake of calling her Carrots. He was quite shocked when she broke his slate over his head! He begged for forgiveness, but the iron had entered her soul. A competition came out of it all, as Anne tried desperately to come in first in every subject. After rescuing her from the lake, he makes another attempt at forgiveness, and she reluctantly gives it. They become true Kindred Spirits when he gives up the Avonlea School so she can stay on with Marilla after Matthew dies.
Before he headed off to medical school, Gilbert proposes to Anne...but she refused. Hurt by her rejection, he starts a 'friendship' with Christine, and they even become engaged. But after seeing Anne once again, he realizes there will never be another one for him, and he calls off the wedding. He falls ill at school and was close to dying, but he pulls through. He once again asks Anne to marry him and she says yes!
Gilbert talks Anne into going to New York for a year so he can take an offered  position in a local hospital. At first he was excited about the new position, but soon learned that he didn't like the 'politics' involved. They move back to Avonlea
and Gilbert surprises Anne by buying Green Gables. He signs up with the military and heads to war right after they are married. He eventually gets captured by the Germans and is forced to serve them as a doctor. When the war is over he is surprised to see Anne singing in front of a crowd, they are reunited at last!

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Diana Diana
Anne and Diana

Diana Barry-Wright

Diana, of the Lake of Shining Waters, is Anne's bosom friend. They meet at a Sunday School picnic and become instant friends. Diana likes to know everything about everybody, and is a great one for gossip (she gets it from her mother). She marries 'roly-poly' Fred Wright and eventually inherits Aunt Jo's fortune.
Though Fred and Diana have all that money can buy, they are unhappy. Fred feels he should enlist and go off to war, but Diana refuses to let him. They both learn a hard lesson when he leaves without telling her. He is injured during the war, losing an arm. When all return to Avonlea, Fred and Diana live with Gilbert and Anne in Green Gables for a year. Then Gilbert and Anne give them Green Gables.

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Matthew Marilla
Matthew and Marilla

Matthew & Marilla Cuthbert

Matthew was a very shy man, so much so that he never got the nerve up to court anyone, and always lived with his sister. He loved Anne from the very beginning, even though she was not a boy. He also spoiled her like crazy, making Alice Lawson very happy indeed!
Marilla was quite shocked to see a girl walk through their door. She HAD asked for a boy to help Matthew around the farm. But she decided to keep Anne on a trial basis...which turned permanent because Anne reminded her of herself. They say that Anne has the same disposition as Marilla at that age. Marilla was courted by Gilbert's father when they were younger, but they quarreled and Marilla was too stubborn to forgive him. She always regretted losing John Blythe.

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Muriel Muriel
Clive and Muriel

Muriel Stacey

Miss Stacey was Anne's second teacher in the Avonlea Public School. She started a special course, after school, for the students who wished to go on to Queens Academy. After one year, she leaves Avonlea. After Anne had taught in the Avonlea School for two years, she receives a letter from Miss Stacey offering her a position at Kingsport Ladies College. Muriel was very influential in Anne's life, and they were very close. After traveling the world, Muriel eventually returns to Avonlea and buys the General Store from the Lawson's. She also falls in love with and marries Clive Pettibone...but that's another story!

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A family begins...

Gilbert and Anne kiss

Gilbert and Anne - Wedding photo

Anne and Dominic

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March 5, 2001
I have started a Fan-Fiction page, with stories that I hope will be submitted by you, my guests. There are a few stories to read, but I would love to receive more! To read the stories, or submit a story of your own please follow the following link!

Julie's Fan-Fiction From You

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Do you have a second? Please vote in my poll.

Since October 8, 2000

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Backgrounds by Julie Johnson

Background - Anne and her friends
"Anne and her friends"

Background - Magical memories from Gilbert and Anne
"Magical Memories from Gilbert and Anne"


Feel free to use one of the backgrounds!
Just right-click and save as wallpaper.

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A note from the Website owner.....

I received a private message in my guestbook from someone questioning my site. This person was upset that I only talked about the three movies, and not the books. Well, to tell the truth, I loved the books more than the movies, but it would be too hard to incorperate them both, as the movies have moved so far away from the original stories. I do plan to do a web-site someday, about my favorite books, and the Anne series will be a part of it. But this site is about my favorite "Shows" not books.

Thank you,
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Please sign my guest book!

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I would like to add bloopers to this page. If you have noticed anything wrong or funny in any of the three movies, please let me know! Don't forget to tell me which movie it's in.

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What's your favorite Anne quote? Send them, and quotes from any other character, and I'll add them to my page!

Anne to Diana
"The iron has entered my soul."

Anne and Diana
"He calls me Crow head all the time, and I've never heard him apologize."
"There's a world of difference between being called Crow head, and being called Carrots."

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Have any questions, comments or corrections?

Precious Moments - Air Mail

E-mail me!

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If you have a banner you would like to see on my page, let me know!

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Here are some links to other great "Anne" sites

Anne of Green Gables - The Continuing Story

Avonlea Crossroads - Where Everyone Knows Your Name

Gilbert's Anne of Green Gables Web-site

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