A Note on the Format of References

References to books are given in the following format:

(Title, chapter, page) - for example (AoGG, ch 3, 4th page)

but here '4th page' refers to the 4th page of the given chapter, rather than the 4th page of the whole book. A little clumsy, perhaps, but there is a reason.

The idea behind it is that page numbering varies between different editions, so that there is no use referring to page numbers in the ordinary way. But the chances are that there will be roughly the same number of pages in any given chapter, so that a reference to pages within a chapter should not be more than a page or so out either way. Near enough at any rate to be an improvement on just giving the chapter number.

In case anyone wonders, the actual editions I'm using are the hardback versions that are (or were) most readily available here in England, pubished by Harrap.

Book titles abbreviated as follows:

AoGGAnne of Green Gables
AoA Anne of Avonlea
AotIAnne of the Island
AoWWAnne of Windy Willows/Poplars
AHoDAnne's House of Dreams
AoI Anne of Ingleside
RV Rainbow Valley
RoI Rilla of Ingleside
CoA Chronicles of Avonlea
FCoAFurther Chronicles of Avonlea

Last updated 10th May 1999
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