The Road to New Moon
The ghostly KTs walking along the path in Cabot Park that would lead us to the outdoor sets of the TV series, Emily of New Moon
New Moon Barns
The first indication that we were near the sets was a forboding "do not enter" sign taped across two trees. The three of us defiantly ducked under it, only to discover a well and Jimmy's barns! The barns were used for both interior and exterior shots.
Front Porch; New Moon House
The front door and windows of the house were boarded up when we visited because the production company had not yet resumed filming for the 3rd season. If you look closely at the porch railing you'll notice ferns and ivy; those are silk! The house, by the way, is only a shell; sneaking around the to the back of the house, reveals it's not complete
Blair Water Store Our adventure got exciting when we were given the opportunity to explore the inside of the General Store! The general store is the only set in Cabot Beach, other than the Blair Water School and the barn, where some filming is done indoors. The detail in the store is AMAZING ... you really felt like you were shopping in 1898.
This shows a little more of the counter that's on the left when you enter the store. We were told that the cans held either water or sand to give them weight. The candy was real, as was the flour in the flour bins.
Autograph Time, 1998
This is probably the only time I'll ever ask for someone's autograph! On Canada Day we celebrated at Cabot Beach Park, where we all got out picture taken with Martha MacIsaac (right) and her double on the show, Jane Hennessee(left). Jane learns all the lines and does everything Martha does. She just doesn't get the fame. It was great to meet them both!