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05/15/99 01:10:41
| Comments: Your Site is very beautiful; I have All seasons of Road To Avonlea on Videotape, and I Watch this Show "weeks after weeks". |
| Comments: Hey! Still love your page. (Everyone come visit me, especially my "Road to Avonlea" section!) Anyway, thought I'd say hello. |
| Comments: Have no fear Fairy Sunlight is here I was flying high up in the sky Saw your page down below Thought I'd stop in and say hello Remember, It doesn't matter if you win or lose Just if you've got a little spirit to use! Don't forget to Shout it out! Show us what shouting is really all about! *Tee Hee Hee* now you've been dusted By the one & only - me! =)
*Sprinkle* *<
ont color="#f860f8">Sprinkle* *S
| Comments: Great page. I love Avonlea. I am in the site fights and want to exchange votes. What do you say? Let me know. |
| Comments: Way cool man ! I wish I could be as nurly as you are. |
| Comments: Next time when you'll steal my background image, please drop me an e-mail and let me know ..... Thanks.... |
| Comments: Seeing if my book works! |
| Comments: I LOVE the show "Avonlea" and I think it's great that you made a page for it. I was so disappointed when it ended. Good job on the page and keep updating it :) Also, I'm looking for tapes of Avonlea (don't have to be professional) that I could buy/mayb trade for. Maybe just some you've taped over the years. If anyone has any tapes or just wants to talk to a fellow Avonlea fan, just email me! Awesome page! Jill |
| Comments: Hey, Lins! Waz up? Great page! Thanx for putting a link 4 my page. C-ya. |
| Comments: HIYA!!! Just stopping in to welcome you to the Wombat Warriors team, |
| Comments:
| Comments: Hi! I like your page, and I agree with the Cecily contriversay. Harmony will always be remembered as the *real* Cecily. Looking back at the later episodes, Harmony could have just as easily played Cecily as Molly did. But anyway...come see my page! I am adding some Cecily pictures sometime in the future:) |
| Comments: I love this show soo much, thanks for letting me know I'm not only, keep it coming, bye |
| Comments: I love your page! It's about time dear Cecily got some attention. I hate Molly Atkinson with a passion. My guess as to why Harmony left is that she probably wasn't enjoying life as an actress. (Perhaps she wanted to have a normal childhood?) I did some research on Harmony throughout the internet, and apparantly Avonlea has been her only signifigant acting j b. Anyways, Avonlea rules!!!! |
| Comments: Hi. Love your page. You should do a poll to see which "Cecily" was better. I also have a theory about the "Cecily switch." They probably got "M" to replace "H" because Cecily had to age from 8 to 17 in seven seasons. "H" was too young to be a 14-year old Cecily by season 5, so they got "M" to replace her. I liked both Cecilys; don't get me wrong, but they had to do something about the age thing. It's either that or "H" signed a specific contract which only let her do 5 seasons, and when it ran out, nstead of signing a new one, they hired "M" to take over. I'm done now. |
| Comments: It's about time that my picture was featured on the front of a web page! Especially since I was replaced half way through the season by another actress/imposter! Yea, she had more personality, but I was sweeter! Sometimes I want to take her by her hair an swing her face first into a locker. You should have a poll to see which Cecily King was better. I would win. You have a neato web site but I have to go to bed now. After all, it's almost 7:30 at night! |
| Comments: This site is wonderful. You have so much information on Avonlea. It is my all-time favorite TV show, and I know I'm not alone on that! |
| Comments: |
| Comments: nice work. I liked the polls. |
| Comments: Testing, 123. Just a checkup on my guestbook condition |
| Comments: Great Page!!!!!!!!!! KSP |
| Comments: I really like your web page. Keep up the good work! I will come back here often! You mentioned that Felicity is expecting in the Christmas Special but did Gus get his sight back? I'm from the U.S. and they didn't air the Christmas episode over here. Please e-mail me! :o) |
| Comments: This is a pretty good page!Cheack out mine sometime! |
| Comments: Your RTA site is really sweet :) It's always thrilling to find another Avonlea fan on the web. Keep up the good work! Kindredly, Dawn :) |
| Comments: HiLindsay! Dis Mel I like your web page. Email me soon. BYE Luv Mel |
| Comments: hi |
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