February 1999 Avonlea Poll
Who is your favourite Avonlea character?
Felicity 23%
Sara 23%
Gus 23%
Felix 11%
Cecily 5%
Simon 5%
Dora 5%
Daniel, Hetty, Montgomery, Olivia, Jasper, Alicia, Abigail, Malcolm, Davy, Izzy, Muriel, Clive all scored a big 0%
March 1999 Avonlea Poll
Which Avonlea Couple is the Q-test?
Sorry--I have lost the results to this poll. Please check back--it will be the May 1999 Poll.
April 1999 Avonlea Poll
Which Cecily was better? and Which Season of RTA is most deserving of an Academy Award?
Harmony Cramp won over Molly Atikinson for the role of Cecily by 75%.
Season 7, 3, and 4 seem to be best over 1, 2, 5, and 6.