Road to Avonlea does not give an exact date when the date is. So, I have made a try at seeing when it was made, and I think I'm pretty close.
First, the few episodes that say the date or someone's age by mouth or on paper.
The Hope Chest of Arabella King- December of 1903.
- Friends and Relations- Winter of 1907.
- The Disaperance- Late Winter 1908.
- The Great Race- October 1909.
- Christmas in June- June 1910.
- Out of the Ashes- 1911.
- Felicity and Gus's marriage- September 1913.
- Happy Christmas Ms. King- December 1914.
Thats a timeline now. To find important dates, like when Sara
arrived at Avonlea or birthdates, should be something like this:
- The Hope Chest of Arabella King-Sara has just come to Avonlea about 10 months before this happened. So if The Hope Chest took place in December 1903, Sara must have come in March or April of 1903.
- Hetty King: 1852
- Alec King: 1854
- Olivia King-Dale: 1859
- Janet Ward-King: 1855
- Gus Pike: 1889
- Felicity King: 1891
- Sara Stanely: 1893
- Felix King: 1895
- Cecily King: 1897
- Daniel King: 1906
- Montgomery Dale-King: 1907
- Alicia Cooper-Dale: 1912
So.. the series takes place in 1903-1914. There are many times in Avonlea where they say something can help you find out. In Misfits and Miracles, where Janet has Daniel, Dr. Blair says its been 9 years since her last baby saying Cecily is 9 years older than Daniel. Or in How Kissing was discovered, Felicity says that she's 13 and 3/4!!! So look at her birthdate and add 13.75.